Thursday, February 25, 2010
NASCAR was once courted by Japanese investors in a bid to launch "NASCAR Japan," which would have featured full-sized cars driven by radio control.
See also:
- NASCAR Official Site
keywords: entertainment, auto racing, automotive, culture and places, government, land of the rising sun, trivia, fact of the day, fun fact
Ya know, that's a very progressive idea, after all, the US military currently does just that with planes.
In fact a driver seated at a console, similar to those at arcade games, with video access wouldn't be at risk of injury, although they would need a pocket full of quarters.
Maybe NASCAR should reconsider...
Kahne, at September 11, 2007 8:27 AM
Factropolis is missing the other half of this story. The Japanese "investors" (some might call them thieves) were selling season tickets to NASCAR Japan before they had even closed the deal. When it fell through, a lot of people got scammed.
kai, at September 11, 2007 9:27 AM
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